This was the very first leaf that I sketched out. I was laying by the pool doing homework when it floated down and sat next to me. It was the meaning of beauty and simplicity. I sketched it while I was laying out by the pool so that I could have the natural sunlight act as my top light.
This is the third attempt at a self-portrait. It is an older picture that I took of myself; I liked the closeness and differing view from the typical self-portrait. Unfortunately, I wasn't sketching this with any other light than that penetrating off of my laptop screen. I know that I will need to work on minor details such as the way the hair actually lays and falls.
This, obviously, is another leaf sketch. At this point, I was bored with sketching the leaves. This is also when I found out that I actually sketch better out of frustration (weird, I know). I payed special attention to the edges of the leaf, when normally I would just draw the contour of the outer edge and pay more attention to inner details such as the veins and stem. I was drawing using the overhead light in my dorm room which made it difficult to capture all the details that I wanted to.